Using Social Media to Maintain Relationships With Past Clients and Encourage Referrals

Harnessing the interactive potential of social media to nurture client relationships and drive referrals


Mon May 22 2023

3 min

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In the competitive world of real estate, fostering strong relationships with past clients is not just good practice; it's a strategic necessity. The value of maintaining these connections goes beyond mere customer service. The loyalty of past clients can lead to repeat business, and more importantly, can drive referrals — one of the most potent sources of new business in real estate. Leveraging the interactive and engaging nature of social media platforms is a dynamic way to keep these important relationships alive and thriving.

The Value of Past Clients in Real Estate

Long after the final paperwork is signed, a satisfied client can continue to be a boon to your business. A National Association of Realtors survey found that 41% of buyers chose their agent based on a referral from a friend, neighbour, or relative. Past clients, if maintained well, can become advocates for your business, recommending you to their networks and significantly broadening your client base.

Social Media: A Bridge to Past Clients

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are uniquely designed to foster connections and engagement. These platforms can serve as a conduit to maintain communication, share relevant content, and subtly remind clients of your continued value as a real estate professional.

Here are some strategies for using social media to engage past clients and encourage referrals:

  1. Personalise Your Interaction: Social media allows you to engage clients on a more personal level. Liking, sharing, and commenting on their posts can keep you in their thoughts without seeming intrusive. Be genuine in your interactions and show interest in their posts.
  2. Share Valuable Content: Regularly posting valuable content such as real estate news, home maintenance tips, and local events can keep your past clients engaged and remind them of your expertise. This is also content that they might share with others in their network, further expanding your visibility.
  3. Celebrate Milestones: Acknowledging the anniversary of a client's home purchase or sending birthday wishes via social media can make clients feel valued and appreciated. This small gesture can help strengthen your relationship and encourage loyalty.
  4. Leverage Client Testimonials: With permission, sharing testimonials from satisfied clients can serve as a powerful endorsement of your services. Prospective clients often rely on reviews and testimonials when choosing a real estate agent, so this can be a compelling way to attract referrals.
  5. Create a Referral Program: Social media is a great platform for promoting a referral program. Offering incentives like gift cards or discounts on future services can motivate past clients to refer their friends and family.

Maintaining relationships with past clients doesn't happen by accident. It requires a conscious effort and a thoughtful strategy. Social media platforms, with their built-in tools for engagement and sharing, offer a powerful way to stay connected with past clients, remind them of your value, and encourage them to refer you to others. By leveraging social media, real estate professionals can cultivate a network of client advocates who will continue to fuel their business for years to come.

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